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Editorial : Midterm week does not need to be stressful

One of college students’ worst nightmares is quickly creeping up: midterm week.

It’s a week of constant tests and papers. And stress. But since hell week is a week away, students can prepare.

If you haven’t yet, check your syllabi now. Professors usually lay out the date and the expectations for midterm tests. If you go to class, they’ve probably already mentioned it. If not, ask.

Then create a schedule for studying. Whether you create a to-do list or block out times on a calendar, make sure you have a system. Writing your list on notecards, then ripping up the notecards after you complete the assignment can bring a feeling of accomplishment and can help you de-stress.

Don’t stay up all night cramming the night before a test. You need to be well rested and prepared. Don’t forget to eat the morning of the test — it gives you a boost of energy.

While students are responsible for their grades, professors also need to take into account students’ concerns during this week. Students know professors need to test them during this week, and they understand professors can’t change their midterms or syllabi this late in the semester. But there are things professors can do to help.

Professors should outline their expectations. If tests will not be administered if students are five minutes late, remind students of that. If students need to write a test in blue ink or in pencil, remind students of that, too. Though specific classes are important to students, most take five classes. This means five different midterms during one week.

To help students, professors should be available for extra office hours and additional appointments. Professors should also be more available by email this week to help students with last-minute questions or concerns.

It’s not too late for students to prepare for midterm week. If students take preparation into their own hands and professors are more available for help, stress will be reduced for everyone.  

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