Editorial : Sorkin brings refreshing excitement to 2012 commencement
Choosing Aaron Sorkin as the 2012 commencement speaker is a breath of fresh air compared to recent graduation speakers.
Sorkin, responsible for hits such as ‘The Social Network’ and ‘Moneyball,’ has a personal connection to Syracuse University as a 1983 graduate of the College of Visual and Performing Arts. The last SU alumnus who spoke at commencement was Vice President Joe Biden in 2009.
For those at commencement, Sorkin’s connection to the university can provide insight specific to SU students. Graduating seniors will be watching and listening to someone who has attended the same university, taken classes with some of the same professors, lived in the same residence halls and turned it all into a successful career.
Even after graduating, Sorkin stayed involved with the university community. He partnered with VPA in 2006 and launched the Sorkin in Los Angeles Learning Practicum. It’s a weeklong initiative where students meet with actors, writers, talent agents, directors and producers. Students also participate in workshops and attend theater performances, among other activities.
Sorkin is not only a notable commencement speaker. Regardless of his SU connection, he is also an extremely relevant and timely choice to come to campus. ‘The Social Network’ was a hit with Generation Y viewers when it came out in 2010. ‘Moneyball,’ which came out in 2011, was nominated for six Academy Awards and won two in January 2012. He has also worked on others hits, including ‘The West Wing’ and ‘A Few Good Men.’
The past two commencement speakers, scientist J. Craig Venter and JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon were met with dissatisfaction. Students criticized Dimon in 2010 because of his connection to big businesses and were also disappointed with Venter in 2011 for not reaching a wide enough audience.
The general reaction to Sorkin is one of excitement and satisfaction. He is an appropriate fit for the audience, a trend SU officials should look to continue.
Published on March 18, 2012 at 12:00 pm
Contact: opinion@dailyorange.com