Editorial : University Senate members acted rashly in passing policy
University Senate members passed changes to the faculty policy on inappropriate conduct Wednesday, though many members expressed confusion about the language in the policy.
Members from the Ad Hoc Committee on Inappropriate Faculty Conduct presented their final report, which was passed at the same meeting. The committee has worked to replace several sections of the policy since forming in 2007.
But 2007 was not the first time concerns about Syracuse University’s faculty conduct policy surfaced. In 2005, members of the Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics expressed dissatisfaction with the policies. SU’s policy was outdated and wasn’t congruent with policies at other universities.
Although it is good the university brought up the faculty policies, it was inappropriate for members to vote on a policy they did not fully understand. The policy directly applies to faculty members. Those voting for or against the policy must understand the implications of the decisions they are making.
Corinne Smith, the member of ad hoc committee who presented the final report, did not want to table the voting for a month. Smith said the information about the policy changes has been online in some form for seven years and that it was time to make a decision.
She did, however, say the policy should be open to revision in the future if problems arise.
The university has waited and deliberated for seven whole years to present a final report on the inappropriate faculty conduct policy changes. Waiting one more month before members vote on a policy would not have hurt. An additional month would allow questions about the document’s language to be clarified for faculty members who need it.
It is disappointing members voted down the motion to table the vote. As the policy moves forward into implementation stages, faculty members must continue to question the language of the policy if they are not clear on what certain parts mean.
Published on March 25, 2012 at 12:00 pm
Contact: opinion@dailyorange.com