Students must be respectful of peers, limit noise in Bird
The noise level on E.S. Bird Library’s main floor, also known as “Club Bird,” should be reduced, as high volumes disrupt academic environments.
To control noise level, the library staff must be diligent in telling students to be quieter on the main floor and in sending groups of more than six to closed study rooms. If students do not comply, they should be asked to leave the library.
Although the noise should be reduced, making the main and bottom floors completely silent is not encouraged. These lower floors, which include large tables and numerous outlets, create ideal spaces for smaller groups to discuss assignments. But these students should respect those around them.
If students feel a noisy workspace is hurtful to their academics, they should move to the upper floors of the library that are deemed silent spaces to study. On these floors, the library staff must strictly enforce silence from the occupants. To make the silent floors more accessible to a greater number of students, additional outlets should be installed so students are not limited to the lower floors.
Pages, the café on Bird’s main floor, is not the root of the noise issue, as other spaces on the main floor exceed the noise from the café. A café is a beneficial, appropriate addition to a library on a college campus because of students’ nature to spend long periods of time at the location, especially during final exams. The café provides an easily accessible and needed food source for working students.
Diverse work environments are necessary in a college library. Regardless of what floor students choose to study on, all must respect their peers and keep their noise volume at an appropriate level. If students feel a louder work environment is preferable, the Syracuse University campus offers other cafes and study spaces where noise is acceptable.
Published on February 6, 2013 at 2:07 am