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University should address struggles of mid-year transfer students

Syracuse University should offer more opportunities to help mid-year transfer students transition into campus life more easily.

This spring semester, SU welcomed 200 new transfer students to campus, many of whom will face challenges unique to their situation.

Due to space, mid-year transfer students are primarily placed in the Sky Hall dormitories on South Campus.

Mid-year transfer students should not have to live on South Campus unless there is no other housing available. 

These living spaces are far-removed from main campus — the hub of student activity and study. Mid-year transfer students are in the same position as freshmen; they do not know the layout of the university and need opportunities to surround themselves with peers. For this reason, freshmen do not reside on South Campus. For the same reasons, mid-year transfer students should be placed on main campus.

Mid-year students are behind in more than just their physical acclimation to campus. Students should be given material on what the SU experience is like and an opportunity to connect with students who are also transferring so they can adjust to the school socially as well.

Mid-year transfer students should have access to as much information about their transition to SU as possible. The university should create webinars and online forums so mid-year transfer students can connect online and be fully prepared before arriving on campus.

Getting involved in campus activities is also essential to having a fulfilling and successful college experience.

To ensure students find their niche at SU, there should be more opportunities for mid-year transfers to get involved in clubs and intercollegiate and intramural sports. This could be accomplished by offering a large-scale spring activities fair similar to the ones offered in the fall when freshmen arrive on campus.

In addition to clubs, joining Greek life is a way for new students to make friends and get involved on campus.

The Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council and the university should reconsider policies that restrict mid-year transfers from becoming a part of Greek life during their first semester at SU.

The current policy states that students must have 12 credits from SU to be eligible to participate in rush. This means that mid-year transfer students are not eligible to rush until the following year. The policy should be changed to 12 credits from any university or community college.

These small changes will make the various resources and opportunities provided by the university more accessible to mid-year transfer students, ultimately improving their happiness and success.

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