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Editorial Board

Unruly behavior at DAT Rally will not spur change

The Daily Orange Editorial Board supports THE General Body’s grievances about transparency and agrees that there should be more student input allowed in decisions. But we cannot condone the unruly and unprofessional behavior exhibited at the DAT Rally and on social media prior to the event.

Leading up to the DAT Rally — in addition to sharing information about the actual event — THE General Body Twitter account tweeted memes of Chancellor Kent Syverud. The first meme was a picture of Syverud overlaid with the words “I don’t always make closed door decisions, but when I do I close essential student resources and budget cut programs that benefit marginalized students.” Another meme of the same photo read “Wait, I’m the Chancellor? I thought you said canceler.” The use of memes comes off as extremely immature and exhibits the irrational fixation on vilifying the chancellor. This childish approach to university problems will not command respect from administrators.

This poor behavior escalated at Monday’s rally. What could have been a chance for students to appear calm and willing to listen instead turned into a mob incapable of compromise. A video posted by a member of THE General Body validates concerns about the group’s conduct. Throughout the clip of a standoff at Crouse-Hinds Hall, THE General Body can be heard erupting into boo’s and chants as administrators try to communicate with them. If these students wanted to be taken seriously, they should have behaved professionally instead of yelling at administration.

When General Counsel Daniel French told students that members of the chancellor’s executive team were prepared to meet with as many students as possible in Schine Student Center, students refused.  THE General Body’s inability to compromise led to less students being present to meet with administration. THE General Body instead stormed Crouse-Hinds Hall and as a result only around 20 students were able to meet with administration.

We are not diminishing the work put into compiling the 43-page document of grievances and solutions proposed by THE General Body. But given the behavior exhibited at the rally and on social media, we question if this is the right group of students to communicate with the administration. Effective discussion requires compromise, respect and rationality. Regardless of personal issues students have with the administration, letting emotions drive discussion will only result in a group of angry students booing and chanting. Volume does not equal strength.

Apathy will certainly never spur change. But THE General Body’s behavior on Monday was another extreme of irrational and disrespectful conduct that will not command respect. There’s a stark difference between impassioned activism and trying to yell louder than anyone else. At Monday’s rally THE General Body didn’t seem to realize that difference.

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