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Editorial : Student Association correctly denies funding for concert, CitrusTV

CORRECTION: The reason Jerk magazine was denied funding in the fall was previously misstated. Jerk did not originally receive funding from SA because the magazine missed its schedule meeting with SA.

SA made the right decision to deny funding to both University Union’s Rock the Dome and CitrusTV at Monday night’s budget meeting.

University Union wanted to hold the second Rock the Dome concert in the fall semester, but SA was uncertain about funding another large-scale UU event. CitrusTV officials missed their appointed meeting for a reason SA did not deem an extenuating circumstance, so they were also denied funding.

Having two large-scale events during the fall would overcrowd the semester. UU already holds Juice Jam in the fall, meaning Rock the Dome would have to be held toward the end of the fall semester and might interfere with sporting events, the university’s Orange Central plans and student travel for holidays.

If SA funded two large-scale UU events in one semester, the available programming funds would be dominated by UU. A much smaller amount of money would have to be dispersed among the rest of the campus organizations that use money for events. The first Rock the Dome concert was funded for UU by a separate, special allocation and was not part of the 2012 programming budget.

Having three large-scale events during the school year should become a tradition for students. It breaks up the school year nicely, gives students more events to look forward to and can appeal to a lot of different students on campus. SA and UU should collaborate and find a way to fund Rock the Dome outside the programming budget.

Last semester, it was highly publicized when Jerk magazine did not receive funding from SA. Jerk officials missed their scheduled meeting with SA and were denied funding. This semester, CitrusTV officials made a mistake by missing their meeting and were also denied funding. They should have known better than to miss their meeting, especially in light of what happened to Jerk last semester. 

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