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Editorial : Reviewing dismissal motion for defamation shows seriousness

A judge will take at least two weeks before deciding whether or not to dismiss the defamation case against Syracuse University and Jim Boeheim. It is a move that emphasizes the seriousness in which the court is handling the case.

Gloria Allred, one of the lawyers representing Bobby Davis and Mike Lang, originally filed the suit in New York City. Boeheim and SU then filed a motion to change the venue to Onondaga County and won. Allred argued Davis and Lang would not receive a fair trial in Onondaga County because of Boeheim’s reputation as coach of SU’s men’s basketball team. With this in mind, it is crucial the proceedings continue with the utmost scrutiny.

State Supreme Court Justice Brian DeJoseph heard from attorneys on both sides Friday at the Onondaga County Supreme Court in Syracuse. Taking at least two weeks to decide on whether the case should proceed or be dismissed will give DeJoseph sufficient time to thoroughly review the arguments presented before deciding whether to dismiss the trial or continue with proceedings.

Allred, along with Davis and Lang, announced the defamation lawsuit against the university and Boeheim in December. Since then, some law experts said they do not think Davis and Lang will win the case against Boeheim and the university, as proving defamation is difficult to do.

But the court is doing its due diligence by assuring arguments from both sides are considered equally.

Although the lawsuit has taken almost five months to arrive at this position, it is reassuring that proper measures are being taken so the appropriate decision regarding the case will be made.

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