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Bill enforcing SA attendance should be passed

Student Association Parliamentarian Ben Jones introduced a bill at Monday’s meeting that aims to make attendance mandatory for all representatives at each of their committee and board meetings. The assembly members should approve the bill at the next Monday meeting.

Members now receive demerits for unexcused absences from general assembly meetings and primary committee meetings. Every representative is required to join one primary committee, such as Student Life or Academic Affairs, but they have the option of joining secondary boards and committees as well.

This bill would make it mandatory for representatives to be present at all meetings of committees on which they have pledgedto serve, not just the general assembly weekly meeting and their primary committee’s meeting.

SA members willingly joined the organization with a goal to represent the SU student body. These individuals should honor their commitments and have a personal desire to go to all committee meetings they are expected to attend, without official legislation ensuring this.

The passage of this bill may discourage some members from participating in the organization, but it is better to have fewer members who are fully dedicated than to have several uncommitted members occupying valuable seats.

This bill should also encourage members who serve on several committees to refocus their efforts on fewer projects. This would allow them to concentrate their efforts and increase their productivity on specific initiatives.

SA members should continue to find quality members who will exhibit their dedication by attending all necessary meetings. Representatives must honor their commitments to not only the organization, but to all of the students they have voluntarily chosen to lead.

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