Student inspires peers by vying for local seat
Syracuse University senior Dan Cowen is bringing a fresh, young perspective to the local political scene.
As a city with several colleges contained in its borders, Syracuse is a place of residence for thousands of students. A youthful voice is therefore extremely beneficial in the councilor-at-large race, as Cowen brings diverse viewpoints no other candidate can.
Cowen, who announced his campaign Saturday, has a list of problem areas and ideas for the betterment of the community that he wishes to address if elected as councilor-at-large of the Syracuse Common Council.
Political races are often consumed by practiced politicians with views shaped by long histories of living in the region and working to serve local constituents. Because Cowen is not originally from Central New York, he possesses an outside perspective that allows him to take a fresh approach in combating issues perpetually plaguing Syracuse.
Cowen’s student status also allows him to represent the youngest generation of voters. He can see the problems that affect young voters, which other candidates may not be aware of or may not know how to fix.
If elected, Cowen wants to develop Syracuse into a city that college students choose to make their permanent homes after graduation. This concept will benefit recent graduates by providing career opportunities while also rejuvenating the local economy. He also hopes to increase the number of high-school graduates in the area, which further connects education to overall city advancement.
Because Cowen is now enrolled in SU classes for his political science and policy studies majors, he is able to use the latest tactics he learns in the classroom to modernize local government. Also, being a part of SU is a trait voters should look highly upon, as the university has a strong connection with the city and its members.
Cowen’s decision to run for public office – a pursuit only the most passionate individuals should act upon – is inspiring for the entire student population in Syracuse. He has given students the opportunity to become involved in local politics, which should continue in the future.
Regardless of a student’s field of study, Cowen has provided all students with an example of applying effective energy ambitiously to reach goals they can learn and benefit from.
Published on March 18, 2013 at 3:04 am