SU should apply resources, efforts to student needs, not ropes course
The Division of Student Affairs is not effectively targeting Syracuse University students with its latest project: an outdoor challenge course.
This spring, the Department of Recreation Services will begin constructing an outdoor challenge course, equipped with rope team-building elements and a dual zip line, on South Campus. The project will also include an outdoor education center to house workshops focused on the benefits of outdoor education. It is expected to be completed by fall 2013.
Though students, faculty, staff and community members are welcome to use the course, there will be a fee to participate. Also, students will not be able to utilize the course for much of the academic year because it will only be open from April to November.
The Division of Student Affairs is funding the course construction internally. But with an indoor ropes course already located in Flanagan Gymnasium since August 2011, this use of university time, attention and monetary resources could be put to better use.
Instead of building another ropes course and facility for outdoor education on South, efforts should be redirected to address the university’s existing issues.
Student housing is a consistent problem in need of attention. Constructing a building to house students instead of outdoor education workshops could prove more beneficial.
Though a ropes course provides an entertaining service for the community, it is not a necessity at SU and does not cater to the needs of college students. The university administration should allot more resources toward solving campus’ evident problems rather than adding luxuries.
Published on April 15, 2013 at 1:00 am