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Numerous factors contribute to study’s conclusion about idle millennials

Millennials are more than just idle contributors to society. There are several factors that should be considered when examining why this misconception exists.

Almost six million young people — 15 percent of 16-24 year olds — are neither in school nor working, according to an Oct. 21 study by The Opportunity National Coalition. These numbers are attributed to nationwide socioeconomic disparity and economic immobility.

Upon first glance, these numbers provide a blanket statement about millennials and the supposed widespread laziness often attributed to this generation.

However, there are far more variables than laziness to consider when making that judgment.

The study cited various factors as playing a role in the lack of millennial productivity, including income inequality and public safety. Forty-nine of the 50 states have seen an increase in the number of families living in poverty. Meanwhile, 45 states have seen a drop in median household incomes in the last year.

In addition to these factors, the study’s results can also be attributed to a shift in the work mentality of young people. Though for many there are socioeconomic factors at play, for others there is the simple mentality that a future will merely fall into their lap. This proves there is a generational difference regarding how to achieve the American Dream, the ultimate lifestyle for which individuals strive.

Millennials differ from their parents and grandparents, who were raised with the goal of being more successful than their predecessors.

Young people were brought up in an age of convenience and therefore feel differently about how success is achieved.

Today, young people sometimes believe they are entitled to opportunities, and therefore wait for these opportunities to be handed to them instead of seeking them out. This reflects a mindset that could contribute to the immense number of work-shy youths. Young people often have ambitious expectations or are too focused on pursuing their passions and, as a result, they refuse to settle for less rewarding opportunities.

Americans should not ignore this type of phenomenon. This generation is far from the idle generalization it has earned.

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